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VB Script to return Exchange Mailbox data via WMI

'the main work was taken from Microsoft's sample code

On Error Resume Next

Dim aArgs
Dim strUsage
Dim strArgs
Dim server_arg

strUsage = "Usage: cscript.exe " & wscript.ScriptName & " ExchangeServerName [ServerName2 ServerName3...]"

Set aArgs = wscript.Arguments

If aArgs.count = 0 Then
wscript.echo strUsage
End If

'If aArgs.count > 0 Then
'	If aArgs.Count > 1 Then
'	 wscript.echo strUsage
'	 wscript.Quit(1)
'	End If

strArg = aArgs(0)

 'some error handling
 On Error Resume Next

'End If

	For Each server_arg in aArgs


Function WMIGetMailboxList(server_name)
Dim cComputerName
Const cWMINameSpace = "root/MicrosoftExchangeV2"
Const cWMIInstance = "Exchange_Mailbox"
'cComputerName = "cuit-x1"
'cComputerName = aArgs(0)
cComputerName = server_arg

Dim strWinMgmts		' Connection string for WMI
Dim objWMIExchange	' Exchange Namespace WMI object
Dim listExchange_Mailboxs	' ExchangeLogons collection
Dim objExchange_Mailbox		' A single ExchangeLogon WMI object

' Create the object string, indicating WMI (winmgmts), using the
' current user credentials (impersonationLevel=impersonate),
' on the computer specified in the constant cComputerName, and
' using the CIM namespace for the Exchange provider.
strWinMgmts = ""
strWinMgmts = "winmgmts:{impersonationLevel=impersonate}!//"&cComputerName&"/"&cWMINameSpace

Set objWMIExchange =  GetObject(strWinMgmts)

' Verify we were able to correctly set the object.
If Err.Number <> 0 Then
  WScript.Echo "ERROR: Unable to connect to the WMI namespace: " & strWinMgmts & "error number: " & err.Number
  ' The Resources that currently exist appear as a list of
  ' Exchange_Mailbox instances in the Exchange namespace.
  Set listExchange_Mailboxes = objWMIExchange.InstancesOf(cWMIInstance)
  ' Were any Exchange_Mailbox Instances returned?
  If (listExchange_Mailboxes.count > 0) Then
    ' If yes, do the following:
    ' Iterate through the list of Exchange_Mailbox objects.

  WScript.echo "MailboxDisplayName,Size,LastLogonTime,ServerName,StorageGroupName,StoreName,TotalItems,DeletedMessageSizeExtended "

    For Each objExchange_Mailbox in listExchange_Mailboxes

'Two things of note:

	'Return the mailbox fields we want...
	WScript.echo """" & objExchange_Mailbox.LegacyDN & """,""" & objExchange_Mailbox.Size & """,""" & _
	objExchange_Mailbox.LastLogonTime & """,""" & objExchange_Mailbox.ServerName & """,""" & _
	objExchange_Mailbox.StorageGroupName & """,""" & _
	objExchange_Mailbox.StoreName & """,""" & objExchange_Mailbox.TotalItems & """,""" & _
	objExchange_Mailbox.DeletedMessageSizeExtended & """"

    ' If no Exchange_Mailbox instances were returned,
    ' display that.
    WScript.Echo "WARNING: No Exchange_Mailbox instances were returned."
  End If
End If

End Function
exchange/reporting/wmi_vbscript.txt · Last modified: 2010/03/06 04:33 by ben