The cocoa


They left the pantry door open and when out again. This time I struck gold. A brandy new one pound tin of baking cocoa. It looks like the stuff that you use to make chocolate milk, but it's used for baking. She had taken the metal cover off to take a taste and replaced it with the plastic one. First thing I did was take off that cover and take a few licks--Delicious! Now where to eat it. That half-blind old beagle they keep around for who knows what reason would eventually catch on to my find. Carefully, I carried it up the stairs. Unfortunately, bounding up the stairs kicked up a lot of cocoa dust and a lot of it was getting on the floor and wall. I couldn't stop and lick it up, as the beagle was already sniffing at my heels. What to do, what to do. I didn't want to fight the beagle for the cocoa because for a little dog she has big teeth and fights like a bear. When, mirabile dictu, what did I see, the door to the master bedroom had been left open. One hop and I was out of that mongrel's reach. And I still hadn't dropped the can. Setting myself up at the head of the bed, now I could get to work. With the can between my front paws, I was licking my way to nirvana. Suddenly, the spell was broken by hideous screams mostly directed at Pops, "He's your dog; do something" You can guess the rest. I'd been caught completely off guard. The stupid beagle didn't even bay as she usually does when they come home; she was already hiding. Well, you can't win'em all.