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"Split" VPN routing with OpenWRT/Tomato

Original on-the-fly Notes

The point of this is to route traffic for specific LAN IP addresses (my NAS) through an openVPN connection on a router running OpenWRT/Tomato firmware. I'm also running “tinyproxy” on the NAS so I can have an individual browser configured on my own station to route through the VPN as well.

I've never used awk before and didn't devote a lot of time to these scripts, so save your judgement please.


Pre-requisite: Get optware installed and mounting automatically on boot.

Set your USB support with the option Automatically mount all partitions to sub-directories in /mnt.

Set the USB Run after mounting script:

if [ -d /mnt/optware ]; then
  mount -o bind /mnt/optware /opt

Contents of Administration→Scripts→Init:

#Mount optware
echo "LABEL=optware /opt ext3 defaults 1 1" >> /etc/fstab
/bin/mount /opt /opt

OpenVPN settings

  • Ensure the option “Create NAT on tunnel” is checked
  • Advanced settings:
auth-user-pass /opt/etc/pia/pia.txt
verb 1
reneg-sec 0
route-up /opt/etc/scripts/ 
down /opt/etc/scripts/

Contents of pia.txt is VPN username on first line, password on second line.

VPN Scripts

The script sets a second routing table with ip route to direct traffic for ip's listed in “vpndhosts” (space delimited) through the VPN connection. It then calls a script to get a forwarding port from my VPN provider, and then a script to update the transmission client config that's running on the NAS.

I don't remember why I needed to use my ISP's DNS servers over the VPN's DNS servers, but there must be a good reason. Maybe it was because I couldn't figure out how to dynamically update the /etc/resolv.conf file on my NAS. If you don't need to use your ISPs DNS, comment out the third for loop.

Contents of

privateinternetaccess=$(nslookup |grep ^A |tail -1 |awk -F ' ' '{ print $3 }')
tun_iface=$(ifconfig|grep tun|awk '{ print $1 }')
tun_inet=$(ifconfig $tun_iface|grep P-t-P|awk -F ':' '{ print $2 }'|awk -F ' ' '{ print $1 }')
tun_ptp=$(ifconfig $tun_iface|grep P-t-P|awk -F ':' '{ print $3 }'|awk -F ' ' '{ print $1 }')
tun_gw=$(echo $tun_inet |awk -F '.' '{print $1"."$2"."$3".1"}')
tun_net=$(echo $tun_inet |awk -F '.' '{print $1"."$2"."$3".0/24"}')
ip route add via $tun_ptp dev $tun_iface table 10
ip route add via $tun_ptp dev $tun_iface table 10
ip route add $tun_gw via $tun_ptp dev $tun_iface metric 1 table 10
ip rule add from $tun_net table 10
ip rule add to $tun_net table 10
for host in $privateinternetaccess;do ip rule add from $host table 10;ip rule add to $host table 10;done
for host in $vpndhosts;do ip rule add from $host table 10;done
for host in $vpndhosts;do for server in $dnsservers;do ip rule add from $host to $server lookup main;ip rule add from $server to $host lookup main;done;done


Contents of

for rule in $(ip rule list |grep -v "all lookup"|awk -F ":" '{ print $1 }');do ip rule delete pref $rule;done
unix/networking/openwrt_routing.1398847325.txt.gz · Last modified: 2014/04/30 04:42 by ben